
Showing posts from March, 2019

Hinduism and its inherent social catastrophe ( From the perspective of Indian Politics)

The general election in India is basically engulfed with the ideas of religious favoritism since long. The manifesto often highlights the tendencies of political parties to gain an emotional attachment which would eventually help them to achieve their political goals. Below is a link of an article which has highly emphasized upon the misrepresentation of the word Hinduism in the Indian political arena. here's the link:

Question Paper of LLB First Semester 2018,Gauhati University


An outlook on sustainable development

Over the years Human's extensive penetration with the natural environment has eventually led it to cause environmental degradation to a greater extent. Thus it is high  time for us to be more conscious of the future consequences and thereby it is only possible through the adaptation of a sustainable temperament and that too in an inclusive manner. Here's a link of an article which highlights the fundamental principle behind the urgent need of restraining the overexploitation the mother earth not for only personal benefits but for the entire coming generations. visit the link here:

On Demand Examination

one of the significant transition in the field of education is the introduction of the so-called "On Demand Examination" for the modern aspirant in order to relieve them from the unbearable anxiety of stress caused due to the innumerable periodic examinations throughout the path of their career formulation. Here's an article which highlights the significance of On-demand Examination for the present generation :

Role of Family in socialization

Family is the ultimate source of modulating a child into a more social being. The article below highlights the various roles of a family in making their child an extrovert by introducing them to the various social norms at an early age. Here's the link:

Artificial Intelligence

The modern scientific world is vigorously ruled by the domain of artificial intelligence or AI. Below is a link of an article written precisely on the penetration of AI on human lives. Here's the link : ial-inteligence.html

Question papers of B.Ed 2nd Year 2017, Gauhati university
